Saturday, September 07, 2024

Come Up On Stage!

March 8, 2012

A few months ago we had three hundred people on stage with us

"Whoever wants to dance with us Come Up On Stage!" is something that I shout out every now and again. I only do it when I'm sure the stage can handle the extra weight. There have been occasions in the past when so many people have come up that the stage could barely handle the load.

Since I wasn't sure of the stage last night, contrary to what this first picture looks like, that is not what I was shouting. Our tour manager invited people up anyway. All of a sudden there were people up on stage that I didn't call up. It got semi-chaotic but it was a lot of fun.

Eventually, one person had an overdose of CHIC-ism. So remember boys and girls, the time to dance on stage with CHIC is after I yell out "Whoever wants to dance with us Come Up On Stage!"


All of a sudden there were people up on stage that I didn't call up

It got semi-chaotic but it was a lot of fun

Eventually one person had an overdose of CHIC-ism

So remember boys and girls, the time to dance on stage with CHIC is after I yell out, "Come Up On Stage!"