Saturday, September 07, 2024

Walking on Planet C

Please Stand By

March 12, 2012

Our flight has been cancelled due to mechanical problems. Looks like we'll be staying in Sydney one more day.

Please enjoy the music while CHIC is on hold...



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You Just Have To Look

March 11, 2012

CHIC Org-ers Terry and Marco out and about in Adelaide

Often, the best times of our lives are spent interacting with people in places that, on the surface, we believe we have little in common with.

Surprise. People, places, and things all around the world are very much alike. You Just Have to Look.


Bucket drummer on the street trying to earn a living in Sydney

Talking with people in a Melbourne book store

Some CHIC Org-ers

Some CHIC Org-ers in Adelaide

Everybody loves to have fun

A family of performers trying to earn a living dancing and playing for the tourists

Is that a KFC in the midst of those Aussie shops?

They even have opera, too

We even have journalists, that catch you at awkward moments, in common

I'm from New York - The Subway is something we have in common

Everybody wants backstage passes, even when they don't know the artist - What's up with that?

Starbucks is something we have in common

I rest my case

You Just Have To Look


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I Think This Says It All

March 10, 2012

Last night's WOMADelaide show was something to behold

I'm rarely at a loss for words, but last night's WOMADelaide show was something to behold. Our set list, which is playing on here (from Grooveshark) was overwhelmingly appreciated.

I could go on and on about this feeling and that, but it was all captured in the photos. I Think This Says It All.


Click on the images to enlarge - use your left & right arrows to navigate


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From Dusk Till Dawn?

March 9, 2012

I arrived in Adelaide, Australia yesterday utterly exhausted

I arrived in Adelaide, Australia yesterday utterly exhausted. The day before I was in the hospital emergency room which ended an eight hour post-cancer operation side effect ordeal. It was a potentially very dangerous incident. Though the medical incident ended well, I didn't get one minute of sleep.

I then went on to do a lecture/book signing and concert that same night. When I checked into the Hilton, I feel asleep within minutes of entering my room. Before I fell into a Rip Van Winkle coma, five straight hours in Nile-world, I snapped a photo from my window.

It was 17:00 (5pm for my fellow Americans) and the street was some what bustling with cars and people. I woke up around 22:00. After quickly demolishing a huge platter of oysters I turned around and snapped this shot. The same street was almost deserted. Notice the time 10:03 on the digital clock in the lower left corner.

At this point I wolfed down a Caesar salad and round two of the sleep-fest commenced. I next awakened at 3am for good and now the entire street was deserted. Without a tripod, there was so little light I could barely focus.

The street stayed basically deserted for a couple more hours. Just before Dawn, signs of life started returning. Suddenly I noticed how bright it was getting and the moon was still visible. I snapped a shot and got a bright idea.

I got dressed, went downstairs, ate breakfast and timed the next two shots perfectly. If you look closely in the center of the photo, you can just make out the setting moon - and at that exact moment in the opposite direction was the rising sun. That was my last day's adventure, From Dusk Till Dawn?


Though the medical incident ended well, I didn't get one minute of sleep

I then went on to do a lecture / book signing

I also did a concert that same night

I snapped a photo from my window. It was 17:00 (5pm for my fellow Americans) and the street was some-what bustling with cars and people

I turned around and snapped this shot. The same street was almost deserted

I next awakened at 3am for good and now the entire street was deserted

Without a tripod there was so little light I could barely focus - The street stayed basically deserted for a couple more hours

Just before Dawn, signs of life started returning

Suddenly I noticed how bright it was getting and the moon was still visible

If you look closely in the center of this photo you can just make out the setting moo

At that exact moment in the opposite direction was the rising sun


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Come Up On Stage!

March 8, 2012

A few months ago we had three hundred people on stage with us

"Whoever wants to dance with us Come Up On Stage!" is something that I shout out every now and again. I only do it when I'm sure the stage can handle the extra weight. There have been occasions in the past when so many people have come up that the stage could barely handle the load.

Since I wasn't sure of the stage last night, contrary to what this first picture looks like, that is not what I was shouting. Our tour manager invited people up anyway. All of a sudden there were people up on stage that I didn't call up. It got semi-chaotic but it was a lot of fun.

Eventually, one person had an overdose of CHIC-ism. So remember boys and girls, the time to dance on stage with CHIC is after I yell out "Whoever wants to dance with us Come Up On Stage!"


All of a sudden there were people up on stage that I didn't call up

It got semi-chaotic but it was a lot of fun

Eventually one person had an overdose of CHIC-ism

So remember boys and girls, the time to dance on stage with CHIC is after I yell out, "Come Up On Stage!"


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At Least To The Audience

March 7, 2012

I started to have a severe post-operative symptom that landed me in the emergency room

Around midnight last night, I started to have a severe post-operative symptom that landed me in the emergency room. I went to Epworth Richmond Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. The concierge at the Grand Hyatt Hotel told me she had had an operation there and they were great. My condition wasn't life threatening but it was potentially very severe.

When I arrived at the hospital I felt at ease right away. They were clearly professional but were gearing up for a staff shift when I came in. They were still quite focused. They were doing everything by-the-book.

I removed my clothing. Then, my nurse caught me off guard when she said, "I saw you on the telly yesterday." We laughed which momentarily helped relieve my pain.

The doctor had cutting-edge knowledge of my problem and soon suggested a number of therapies based on my current situation. He treated me and prescribed some medication, but only after thoroughly discussing it's efficacy. As I was being discharged, I cracked a few of jokes, the nurse laughed and I was on my way back to the hotel to grab a little sleep and do an interview with Spin Magazine.

My physical problems had started yesterday but everything went great. I'm writing this before my concert and book signings today and I'm sure they'll also go off perfectly - At Least to the Audience.


Click on the images to enlarge and read the story - use your left & right arrows to navigate


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A Fabulous Show

March 6, 2012

Taking the stage in Sydney for the beginning of A Fabulous Show

Last night was our very first show in Sydney Australia. All I can say is, it was A Fabulous Show!


Click on the images to enlarge and read the story - use your left & right arrows to navigate


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Six Hours In Sydney

March 5, 2012

My day started with a 5am early morning radio interview

This is my Monday morning today. I was up at 4:30am and ready to go at 5:00, and these pictures are of the following Six Hours in Sydney.


Click on the images to enlarge and read the story - use your left & right arrows to navigate


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"It's Got To Be SUPER Funky!"

March 4, 2012
Today was the first sunny day here in Sydney. I love the people that I'm meeting in Australia and I'm sorry that we won't get a chance to perform as much as I'd like on this trip. But we're already booked to come back next year and play the Playground Weekender and do the whole country, and it will be Super Funky!

I'm leaving up yesterday's blog for the folks who have hangovers and missed it because of Mardi Gras parties. ~NR

Click on the Images


March 3, 2012

The full early CHIC Organization

The CHIC Organization exists because we've made our music for "the people" even when our record company didn't understand it. I have ALWAYS had personal contact with my audience and now that it's my first time in Australia, I'd like to meet and greet as many folks as possible.

Many of you don't know that I was attacked by very aggressive prostate cancer just over a year ago and I'm thankful to be alive. All of my male colleagues in the full early CHIC Organization photo have passed away except me. I'm the sole flag bearer from the original crew, and every time I take the stage it's in their honor.

My memoir, "Le Freak"

It's not normally my style to do this, nor do I want to step on any toes, but I'm taking it upon myself to personally ask folks to come out and have the time of your lives with us. At each of the Sydney (The Metro Theatre) and Melbourne (Billboard w/ Polyester Records next door) shows, I'm going to have FREE Book Signing events, which means YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY TO COME TO THEM!

We can meet and talk about the music I've produced (six #1 singles in Australia alone). I'll play, talk, and demonstrate the origin of our process called DHM (Deep Hidden Meaning), the secret to ALL of our songs. This is the opposite of an after-party, it's a before-party starting at 5:00pm.

Here's a partial set list of the planned night's songs but because CHIC is live, you never know what we'll do: but whatever it is, "It's Got To Be SUPER Funky!"


Interactive Map of The Metro Theatre, Sydney Australia


Interactive Map of Billboard The Venue, Melbourne Australia


Hover over the dots and enjoy!

Hover over the dots and enjoy!


Every time The CHIC Organization takes the stage, we honor our funky fallen colleagues

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor and It's Got To Be Funky!

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"It's Got To Be Funky!"

March 3, 2012

The full early CHIC Organization

The CHIC Organization exists because we've made our music for "the people" even when our record company didn't understand it. I have ALWAYS had personal contact with my audience and now that it's my first time in Australia, I'd like to meet and greet as many folks as possible.

Many of you don't know that I was attacked by very aggressive prostate cancer just over a year ago and I'm thankful to be alive. All of my male colleagues in the full early CHIC Organization photo have passed away except me. I'm the sole flag bearer from the original crew, and every time I take the stage it's in their honor.

My memoir, "Le Freak"

It's not normally my style to do this, nor do I want to step on any toes, but I'm taking it upon myself to personally ask folks to come out and have the time of your lives with us. At each of the Sydney (The Metro Theatre) and Melbourne (Billboard) shows, I'm going to have a FREE Book Signing event, which means YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY TO COME TO IT!

We can meet and talk about the music I've produced (six #1 singles in Australia alone). I'll play, talk, and demonstrate the origin of our process called DHM (Deep Hidden Meaning), the secret to ALL of our songs. This is the opposite of an after-party, it's a before-party starting at 5:00pm.

Here's a partial set list of the planned night's songs but because CHIC is live, you never know what we'll do: but whatever it is, "It's Got To Be Funky!"


Interactive Map of The Metro Theatre, Sydney Australia


Interactive Map of Billboard The Venue, Melbourne Australia


Hover over the dots and enjoy!

Hover over the dots and enjoy!


Every time The CHIC Organization takes the stage, we honor our funky fallen colleagues

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor

Every time we take the stage it's in their honor and It's Got To Be Funky!

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